Study Guide  

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Closest related principles - Core Interrelations taken from interrelations below.

Some unbelievers deceive people away from the truth, from God Himself. They and their followers will be exposed and judged unfavorably, and what they did in private will be proclaimed to everyone. As for open harmfulness, God will take away the life of anyone who is greedy for possessions and a life of leisure. Give a large portion of your wealth to the poor (see also LK 19:1-10), and don't wait. Be ready to meet the Lord. We all must repent or perish. Though the Lord is patient, our time does have a limit. (principles from LK11:53-13:9)

Even though we are all so frail, Jesus is coming back to Judge, looking to see who overcame their harmful desires and is applying the principles (one is believing in Him); so apply them now, don't wait, it's essential, essential, essential, the Judge is coming! He will separate those who applied them from those who didn't. (principles from MT24:3-26:2)

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