Study Overview

The Bible study uses a novel methodology involving four interconnected levels. Each of the interconnected levels is a type of webpage.

Begin by clicking one of the Christian teaching of Jesus Christ links on the lower left of the screen. This brings up a Core Interrelations page for that Christian teaching, showing what Jesus Christ teaches about it and showing which other Christian teachings Jesus closely relates to that teaching, and how He relates them, based on a patent pending analytical process.

The Bible Study on Jesus Christ offers Core Interrelations as a quick and powerful way of learning the interrelations between the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Near the bottom of the Core Interrelations page are two links, 'Principle Passages' and 'Episode Interrelations':

Principle Passages (also called Christian Teachings) page:  Lists all the gospel passages involving the subject teaching shown at the top of the page (for seeing the various forms of the teachings of Jesus Christ). Christian Teaching pages can also be accessed from the Index below. At the end of each gospel passage is a link that brings up the Episode Interrelations page at the position where the Christian teaching interrelations paragraph for the episode containing that passage is located.

Episode Interrelations page: Shows the Christian teaching interrelationships in each gospel episode of Jesus Christ that contains the subject Christian teaching shown at the top of the page. The text containing the subject Christian teaching is highlighted in aqua. At the end of the Christian teaching interrelationship paragraph for each episode is a link that brings up the gospel episode of Jesus Christ itself (for seeing the context of the teachings of Jesus Christ).

Gospel Episode page: The text containing Christian teachings is in aqua, and a gold link is placed at the end of each Christian teaching. Clicking this link brings up a Christian Teaching (also called Principle Passages) page.


Christian Teaching pages have links to Episode Interrelations pages, which have links to Gospel Episode pages, which have links back to Christian Teaching pages.

Each Core Interrelations page links to an Episode Interrelations page and a Christian Teaching page. In addition at the top of each Episode Interrelations page and each Christian Teachings page is a link back to a Core Interrelations page.

Notes: Clickable links are always shown as underlined gold text. Each link on the lower left beside a green orb contains the text of all the links beside the brown orbs indented underneath it, but sometimes at the top of the page also contains other text; ex. 'Prayer and Asking God'.

As you become interested in Christian teachings nearby and connected to the teaching you started studying initially, click one's link on the Gospel Episode page or on the lower left of the screen to focus on studying that teaching. And then start seeing how other Christian teachings are related to that one.

As this Bible study process goes on and on, driven and guided by your own curiosity and interests in the Christian teachings, you will eventually obtain a unified understanding of all of Jesus Christ's' teachings and how they interrelate. This occurs naturally over time, so just let it gradually happen on its own.

It takes a while to find your way around the Bible Study on Jesus Christ and get accustomed to the inner logic. So play around and experiment all you like. Then do some other things for while and come back again later.

Note:  The words 'teaching' and 'principle' are used interchangeably on this site. For instance, you could re-read the overview above, replacing each instance of 'teaching(s)' with 'principle(s)'.

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